
Date: 29/06/2023

Intense Exercise and Stroke Risk: A Cautionary Note for Individuals with Blocked Arteries


Engaging in regular exercise is widely recognized as beneficial for cardiovascular health. However, a recent study has shed light on a potential risk for individuals with blocked arteries. Intense exercise, in particular, may increase the risk of stroke in this specific population.

Understanding the Risk:

For individuals with blocked arteries, intense exercise can trigger the formation of blood clots or plaque rupture, leading to a higher likelihood of stroke. The increased stress on the arterial walls during strenuous exercise can potentially disrupt the already compromised blood flow.

Balancing Exercise and Health:

While the findings suggest caution for those with blocked arteries, it is important to note that moderate exercise still offers numerous benefits. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the appropriate exercise intensity and duration, tailored to individual health conditions and needs.

Mitigating the Risk:

Monitoring symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath during exercise, is vital. Adjusting exercise routines to incorporate periods of rest and avoiding extremely strenuous activities can help reduce the risk of stroke.


Individuals with blocked arteries should be cautious when engaging in intense exercise. Adhering to personalized exercise plans, listening to the body's signals, and consulting healthcare professionals can help strike the right balance between physical activity and cardiovascular health, ultimately reducing the risk of stroke

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Date: 28/06/2023

Even Moderate Drinking Can Increase Your Risk of Diabetes and Obesity


While moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with certain health benefits, recent studies have shed light on the potential risks it poses. Surprisingly, even moderate drinking can increase the risk of developing diabetes and obesity, two prevalent health concerns in today's society.

Diabetes Risk:

Research has shown that regular alcohol intake, even in moderate quantities, can disrupt blood sugar levels and impair insulin sensitivity. This disruption can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Alcohol also contains empty calories that can lead to weight gain, further exacerbating the risk.

Obesity Risk:

Alcohol is often overlooked as a significant contributor to weight gain and obesity. Alcoholic beverages are calorie-dense and can be easily consumed in excess. Moreover, alcohol impairs judgment and self-control, leading to poor dietary choices and overeating.

Harmful Effects:

Apart from the direct impact on blood sugar levels and weight, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage, nutrient deficiencies, and metabolic disturbances. These factors can further increase the risk of developing diabetes and obesity.


Even moderate drinking should be approached with caution, considering its potential adverse effects on diabetes and obesity. It is important to be mindful of alcohol consumption and prioritize healthier alternatives. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle, including regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and moderation in alcohol consumption, can significantly reduce the risk of these detrimental health conditions

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Date: 22/08/2022


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes develops when the body produces insufficient insulin or when the body is unable to properly use insulin. Insulin is produced by the lower pancreas and aids in glucose control. (For example, after eating) The pancreas releases insulin to regulate blood glucose levels by promoting glucose uptake into body cells. Diabetes is a condition caused by several factors. However, regardless of the type of diabetes you have, it can cause an excess of sugar in your blood, which can lead to serious health problems.

Types of Diabetes –

Identifying diabetes type is very essential for the treatment as it fastens the recovery process.

  1. Type 1 diabetes - is a type of diabetes in which the immune system produces antibodies and inflammatory cells unintentionally, attacking and damaging the patient's body tissues. The ability to produce abnormal antibodies in type 1 diabetes is thought to be genetically inherited unless the patient comes from a diabetic family.
  2. Type 2 diabetes - Type 2 diabetes is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) because patients produce insulin, but it is insufficient in comparison to what the body requires. As a result, patients will eventually require insulin therapy.
  3. Gestational Diabetes – is a type of diabetes that occurs mostly during pregnancy and usually does not show any symptoms. It is recommended to take a test between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy to ensure the health of both the mother and the child.

Symptoms of Diabetes-

Being aware is the most important factor in reducing disease to some extent, and here are a few symptoms to consider while examining diabetes.

  1. Frequent urination – The very first visible symptom of diabetes in your health is more frequent urination than your body normally performs because when the sugar content is high and your kidney tends to flush out the excess, causing frequent urination.
  2. Increased thirst and hunger - Because your body tends to get rid of extra glucose due to high sugar levels, frequent urination makes you thirstier than before and increases your hunger level.
  3. Excess weight loss – Another red flag is unexplained weight loss caused by high blood sugar levels. Because your body is unable to utilize the extra glucose, it begins to burn fat and muscles, resulting in weight loss.
  4. Fatigue and nausea – the dehydration result due to frequent urination as well as the high sugar levels put a lot of pressure on the body leading to fatigue and nausea. It is the early sign of type 1 diabetes and can occur at any age.
  5. Vision impairment- High blood sugar levels can harm the small blood vessels in the eye, resulting in a swollen lens and blurred vision. As your blood sugar levels rise and fall, your vision may return to normal or worsen.
  6. Cuts and wounds heal slowly- Damaged blood vessels cause weakened blood circulation As a result, blood cannot reach the affected area as easily as in other healthy bodies, and minor cuts or wounds can take weeks or months to heal. The slow healing process increases the complications of the injury or cuts.

If you have any of the diabetes symptoms listed above and consult your doctor as soon as possible about having your blood sugar tested if you're at risk, it's critical to keep up with screenings and medications.

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Date: 21/08/2022

Global Health Emergency: Monkey pox

Why declared a Global Health Emergency?

Global emergency means that the outbreak of the virus is an extraordinary and alarming event. WHO issues such declaration when:

  1. The escalation becomes an international concern.
  2. The spread of the virus commissions risk of public health.
  3. It is an extraordinary event and requires internationally coordinated response.

Monkey pox Virus has now reached non-endemic countries as well that have not seen it before.

The situation has a potential of international interference in all fold like scientific research, relevant information, evidences, treatment, clinical care, etc. to curb fast communication of the virus.

In India it was first discovered in the State of Kerala. The infection carried are because of travels from other countries.

What is Monkey pox?

It is a viral infection caused by monkey pox virus initiated from animals to humans called as zoonotic viral infection. It also transmits from person to person.

The name “monkey pox” is the result of research made on colonies of monkeys who had developed two outbreaks of pox like disease. This infection was first discovered in 1958 in few countries of Africa.

The infection is similar to that of smallpox virus and both belongs to orthopox family, yet monkey pox is less severe than small pox and is rarely fatal. For the exact, as per WHO, it causes one death out of 10 infected people. The only differentiation with smallpox is swollen lymph node.

Who are at higher risk?

Anyone can catch the disease who are exposed to infected environment. Especially people in close contact (including sexual contact) with or living with ones infected with monkey pox and animals are more prone to disease. Other than this young children, infants, pregnant women, people who are at lower end of immunity are likely to catch disease easily. Health workers though being in close contact with the patients may remain safe if they follow prevention guidelines issued.

WHO has recently reported people (especially gay and bisexuals) who have sexual contacts with men to avoid intimacy as they are at higher risk of transmitting virus.

People vaccinated with smallpox are somewhere protected by the disease. However, smallpox vaccines were stopped after the smallpox virus was held to have been eradicated by 1980, so new generations have not received vaccination. Yet both vaccinated and non-vaccinated should follow preventive measures to stay protected.


The virus spread mainly through body fluids, skin to skin contact, respiratory droplets, sexual contacts, cutaneous or mucosal lesions of an infected person.

Transmission can also occur by inoculation or via the placenta.

Prevention is better than cure

As of now there is no treatment available against monkey-pox so there are some precautionary measures to follow for the people who have been subjected to the virus and not let others to catch it.

Research suggest smallpox vaccines as the genetics of both the viruses being same maybe helpful in their protection. Also European medical agency approved (tecovirimat) an antiviral drug used for the treatment of smallpox should be helpful for the monkey-pox patients as well.

Some protocols must be followed by the people who feel that they are infected by the virus are as follows:

  1. To contact the healthcare providers and get tested. Until the tests results arrive one must isolate and avoid contact with others.
  2. People should avoid community gatherings and close contacts with others (including sexual contacts).
  3. Such person should observe his signs & symptoms for 21 days as the incubation period (occurring of symptoms from the time infected) is of 7 -14 days but in some cases take 5-21 days. If the results are positive must be isolated as per the instructions of healthcare provider either at home or at the hospital as per the severity.
  4. One must wash hands frequently with soap and water or with alcohol based sanitizers.
  5. Infected person must be careful with their rash and should avoid scratching. Also they should try and keep it dry and open. The rash must be cleaned properly.
  6. Patients usually get treated on their own by following right protocol.
  7. The healthcare providers may suggest some analgesic for pain and some medicines for fever.
  8. It is important for the infected person to stay hydrated, eat well and must get enough sleep.

Researches are being carried to have better treatment and prevention for the disease. It is better to have information of the disease by a proper healthcare providers than to experiment with one’s own health.

Tests that confirms infection of the disease

Monkeypox is diagnosed by PCR tests taken on viral swabs from one or more vesicles or ulcers. The rapid test cassette is similar to that of COVID-19 rapid test. The monkey pox belongs to orthopox family and so the tests can ascertain whether any person has antibodies of the orthopox or smallpox or monkey-pox virus. However, the test cannot ascertain whether the antibodies are of vaccines or any virus with which the person might have been subjected in the past.

Chances of bigger outbreak of the infection

Monkey pox is not contagious as some other infections as it requires close contact like skin to skin, through body fluids, etc. or in a contaminated environment where infection is likely to spread rapidly. The countries have a window to curb the outbreak and so should educate citizens with guidelines provided by WHO for protecting themselves and others. This situation can be controlled by working with communities and groups who are at higher risk.

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Date: 20/08/2022

Dental Care

The Importance of Dental Care.

We devour all of the foods we enjoy, but we frequently forget about our oral health, which makes us reluctant to smile.

In our household, appropriate dental care is commonly neglected, even though it is of the biggest importance because it strongly reflects your general health.

You should not ignore any early signs of dental problems because they may lead to fatal disease in the long run; therefore, it is beneficial to see your dentist at least twice a year.

Symptoms of dental and oral health issues-

  1. Pain or toothache - if you experience any type of pain in your teeth and can see a black spot on your tooth, you may have a cavity that needs to be filled.
  2. Loose teeth - any difficulty in chewing or biting food could be an indication of loose teeth, which hinders the smooth process of biting and chewing food.
  3. Bleeding Gums - are one of the most common signs of poor oral hygiene because they end up causing severe pain, gum swallowing, and mouth dryness.
  4. Bad breath - one of the first signs of an upcoming dental problem is bad breath, it represents underlying issues such as pyrexia, gum infections, and gingivitis.

Dental problems that occur due to a Lack of awareness

  1. A Dental Cavity – A cavity is commonly known as tooth decay or caries, and it develops when food and acid drinks attack the teeth and form a layer of plaque in the teeth, regular ignorance in teeth cleaning and the absence of flossing accelerates the progression of tooth decay, and in the long run it results in tooth decay. It is widely recognized by a black stop or mini holes in the tooth where food particles get stuck.
  2. Sensitive Teeth - Any sensation experienced while consuming hot or cold foods and beverages is the result of sensitivity. It happens for a variety of reasons, including
    • Gum recession and gum disease
    • Broken tooth
    • Missing fillings and crowns
    It indicates several underlying issues that necessitate a proper dental consultation.
  3. Loss of enamel – Tooth enamel erosion occurs when food and drinks remain on the teeth for an extended period, and prolonged ignorance in oral health affects the teeth enamel to a large extent, and tends to result in yellowish and sensitive teeth.
  4. Gum Disease (Gingivitis) - poor oral hygiene causes gum inflammation and bleeding. Early signs include bad breath, followed by gum pain while brushing and flossing, pain while eating, and even bleeding gums if the problem is overlooked for an extended time.
  5. Cracked or broken tooth – Teeth grinding at night, a previous injury, or chewing hard foods regularly all result in cracked or broken teeth. A cracked tooth can be painful, and prolonged ignorance can affect the nearby gum and tooth, causing gum pain.

Maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

If you want to avoid all of the above dental problems, you must pay attention to a few details. Making a few lifestyle changes will reduce your chances of experiencing dental pain.

  1. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
  2. Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  3. Use mouthwash twice daily.
  4. Limit your sugary snacks and beverages.
  5. Avoid using tobacco and alcohol.
  6. Go to the dentist twice a year to have your teeth cleaned.

Maintaining good oral health is important for your overall health because it gives you a confident grin and eliminates the need to worry about things like stained teeth or poor breath.

One professional dental consultation will recommend the best course of action to improve your health and avoid potentially fatal health consequences.

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